Join Catalyst's Membership


We support community organisations, SME's, faith groups or businesses with a significant African and Caribbean mental health / wellbeing service user base.

We do this by providing learning seminars, networking/collaboration opportunities, capacity building, incubation support, representation and more.

The organisation was first conceived in 2016 by founding directors Sandra Griffiths and Tippa Naphtali, and was formally incorporated as a Community Interest Company in June 2017

Banner for news submission guide download


We know that a key route to change is in making better and more creative use of the African and Caribbean communities social capital; existing research, forging stronger productive partnerships between researchers/academics/theorists; community activists/experts and by experienced practitioners and mental health services in both the statutory and voluntary sector. 


Ring binder
by Site Admin 17 February 2025
The objective of this Black emancipatory action research project was to explore the role of Black-led community organisations in supporting Black mental health and wellbeing in the UK.
Man walking through a door
by Site Admin 17 February 2025
Pathway to Independence is a collaborative programme designed to support individuals transitioning from secure care into independent community with essential life skills.
Ring binder files
by Site Admin 17 February 2025
At Catalyst 4 Change, we’re very excited to be working on three main research projects alongside Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (BVSC), local academics and Flourish.

Catalyst 4 Change are interested in publishing articles related to mental health and wellbeing, but submissions will need you to observe our guidance.

Thank You!

Banner for news submission guide download
Support-Connect Hub
Support-Connect Helpline logo

Support-Connect Database

Anyone can visit, register and engage on this portal provided that our 'Code of Conduct' is observed.
The database includes Government, Statutory and other advice, Counselling and Personal Wellbeing information, directories, support organisations and much more - it's also FREE to use.


Capacity Building & Funding Support

We provide relevant signposting and capacity building pathways for user-led and influenced, voluntary and community mental health and wellbeing organisations, and actively encourage leaders with a lived experience of mental health.


Service Development & Incubation

The service incubation provision provides the safety net of a fully constituted and accountable agency acting as the responsible body for such developing organisations until they have the confidence and infrastructure to be fully independent.


Representation, Research & Evaluation

We undertake both our own, as well as joint research projects in order to support and inform our member organisations working in the community. We also act as a voice and intermediary with public and statutory bodies for and on behalf of our members.

Shop & Support Catalyst

Shop & Support Catalyst

You can easily help raise funds for us by doing something that we all do… Your shopping.

All questions:



MASH logo

“MASH (originally part of National Mind) would have had a bleak future if not for the intervention of CATALYST to provide incubation, business planning and fundraising support. We look forward to the future with more confidence”

Tippa Naphtali / M.A.S.H

Family Fund logo

“We thank Catalyst 4 Change for providing an excellent support and incubation structure for the Fund and being the accountable body until we're at the stage where we can become a UK charitable organisation in our own right”

Jaki Miller / NMPMFF

Red Alert HELP! logo

“Red Alert looks forward to developing its 24-hour support line for families concerned about detained loved ones. We are grateful that CATALYST will help us to reach phase 2 of our 5-year development plan” 

Kushi Amlak-Sakhu / Red Alert


We have taken all steps within our means to ensure that this website broadly complies with W3C standards and with The Equality Act ensuring that people with disabilities will be able to use the site and have the same access to its content and resources as any other visitors. 

This is an ongoing development that CATALYST 4 CHANGE will be committed to indefinitely.

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