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Code of Conduct

Use of our online services (which include any member facilities, or article comments, where activated), are governed by our code of conduct.

Users should not post articles/comments that have no relation to the subject matter of this website. Anything that may be offensive on the grounds of ethnicity, disability, sex, religion or culture is not permitted.

Users should avoid uploading images (where such facility is provided) which are likely to cause offence.

Where users express views, we would ask that exchanges on topical issues are not hostile – disagree agreeably!

We reserve the right to block access to our services of any users in breach of this code of conduct. 

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Exemption & Disclaimer

CATALYST 4 CHANGE has taken all reasonable measures to ensure that the contents of this website are accurate. It should nonetheless be noted that visitors who use this website and rely on any information contained within it, do so at their own risk. 

Not all content within the site will necessarily represent the views of CATALYST 4 CHANGE unless stated, and we cannot always guarantee that the information on this website is accurate, complete or up-to-date.

CATALYST 4 CHANGE will not accept liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of use, or the inability to use, any information that is provided on this website, unless this was clearly due to any incorrect written advice regarding our services, or including any advice or guidance given verbally by an official member of the CATALYST 4 CHANGE team.

We take no responsibility for the content of websites we supply links to (other than our own subsidiaries), nor should our links be taken as endorsement of any kind unless otherwise stated.

We endeavour to ensure that this website does not knowingly infringe copyright law or abuse the intellectual or protected materials of third parties. A common legal defence to infringement is allowed under certain circumstances. (Find out more information on the ‘Fair Use Law’).



We have taken all steps within our means to ensure that this website broadly complies with W3C standards and with The Equality Act ensuring that people with disabilities will be able to use the site and have the same

access to its content and resources as any other visitors. 

This is an ongoing development that CATALYST 4 CHANGE will be committed to indefinitely.

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