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Last Updated : 3 March 2025 *New #Updated
The NHS Race & Health Observatory has published its much anticipated rapid review into ethnic health inequalities across a range of areas including key priorities set by the independent health body.
Ethnic inequalities in access to, experiences of, and outcomes of healthcare are longstanding problems in the NHS, and are rooted in experiences of structural, institutional and interpersonal racism. This report is the first of its kind to analyse the overwhelming evidence of ethnic health inequality through the lens of racism.
Click here for article Click here for full review in PDF format
Caribbean Commonwealth Community Health Profile report (2022)
(Birmingham City Council)
This report was commissioned by Birmingham City Council to review the evidence on the Commonwealth community in the city and nationally, and synthesises evidence on the experiences, needs and outcomes of the Caribbean Commonwealth community across a range of health and well-being indicators.
Racial Justice and Social Transformation: How Funders Can Act
(Ten Years Time)
This is a report which seeks to inject ambition into the British funding landscape and create a clear roadmap for action, represents a place where we hope to clarify some of the best practices needed to make racial justice a reality and racial injustice a thing of the past.
Landmark reform of mental health laws
(UK Government)
Major reform of Mental Health Act will empower individuals to have more control over their treatment and deliver on a key manifesto commitment.
The Pledge to Reduce Ethnic Inequalities in Mental Health Systems
(Synergi Collaborative Centre)
Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities are facing disproportionate risks in mental health services that require urgent action, intent, shared vision and collaboration.
Modernising the Mental Health Act
(final report from the independent review)
The Independent Review of the Mental Health Act 1983 has set out recommendations for government on how the Act and associated practice needs to change.
Mental Health, Race and Culture
(Suman Fernando)
This powerful text offers a unique analysis of the impact of race and culture on contemporary issues in mental health. Drawing on extensive international experience challenging the traditional ideas that inform practice in clinical psychology and psychiatry.
(Trevor Powell)
This is an extremely comprehensive resource of photocopiable handouts to aid therapeutic intervention. This treasury of successful photocopiable handouts is sensibly organised for quick access in one convenient package.
Mad World: The Politics of Mental Health
(Micha Frazer-Carroll)
Mental health is a political issue, but we often discuss it as a personal one. How is the mental health crisis connected to capitalism, racism and social issues?
Straight Talking Intro to Mental Health Problems
(Dr John Read)
Dr Read is also co-editor of ‘Models of Madness’: Psychological, social and biological approaches to schizophrenia, and founding editor of the research journal ‘Psychosis’.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities
(Mental Health Foundation)
In England and Wales, nearly a fifth of people come from a BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) background. The mental health of BAME communities is important because people from these communities often face individual and societal challenges that can affect access to healthcare and overall mental and physical health.
Deaths After Police Contact: Constructing accountability in the 21st Century *
(Dr David Baker, Coventry University)
This book investigates death after police contact in England and Wales in the twenty-first century.
It examines how regulatory bodies construct accountability in such cases.
NCVO Online safeguarding resources
(National Council for Voluntary Organisations)
Keeping people safe is important. All organisations need to do safeguarding well. Everyone needs to be involved. These resources will help you to make plans and carry them out
(Royal College of Psychiatrists)
In the UK there are persistent and wide-ranging inequalities for people from BME backgrounds compared to those from other backgrounds.
Mental health 360: inequalities *
(The Kings Fund)
The high rates of psychosis among people from Black African and Caribbean groups are related to experience of social disadvantage that include unemployment, social isolation, and structural racism.
Seni’s Law (Mental Health Use of Force Act) was inspired by Olaseni Lewis who died in 2010 soon after being restrained by 11 police officers in Bethlem Royal Hospital, Beckenham.
An Act to make provision about the oversight and management of the appropriate use of force in relation to people in mental health units; to make provision about the use of body cameras by police officers in the course of duties in relation to people in mental health units; and for connected purposes.
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(Because everything changes when we read) – Reading Well Books on Prescription helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using self-help reading, with books by Matt Haig, Sathnam Sanghera and Ruby Wax and others.
This is the only text to give you a complete, concise overview of mental health and all the issues that surround it from a theoretical and practical point of view. Split into three sections, the book defines mental health and mental illness, examines the services and settings in which mental health care takes place and discusses the societal issues surrounding it.
“A Memoir of Depression” blasts the stigma of depression as a character flaw and confronts the illness Winston Churchill called ‘the black dog’, a condition that humiliates, punishes and isolates its sufferers. It is a personal account of a journey through (and out of) severe depression, as well as being a practical book, offering ideas about what might help.
The unsung heroes of Black history and mental health in the UK *
From fighting discrimination in mental health, to innovating psychological practices, The Mental Health Foundation highlights some of the extraordinary individuals who have paved the way in how we understand and support peoples’ mental health.
Community capacity building: fostering economic
Community capacity building (CCB) focuses on enabling all members of the community, including the poorest and the most disadvantaged, to develop skills and competencies so as to take greater control of their own lives and also contributes to inclusive local development.
Big Book of Benefits and Mental Health 2015/16
Co-written by Tom Messere and Yvonne Bennett, and now in its 17th edition, The Big Book of Benefits and Mental Health started its life whilst Judy was a welfare rights adviser with Neath Mind, where she had worked for over a decade.
An Unquiet Mind: A memoir of moods and madness
Dr Kay Redfield Jamison is one of the foremost authorities on manic-depressive illness. She has also experienced it first-hand. Even while she was pursuing her career in academic medicine, she was affected by the same exhilarating highs and catastrophic depressions that had afflicted many of her patients.
Black and dangerous? Patient experiences of mental health services in London
John, a man with a paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis, has spent much of his life in and out of mental health hospitals. A cheerful, chatty 45-year-old, he puts his current stay down to a scuffle with the police. “I get upset when I’m angry. To be black and upset is, apparently, a cardinal sin.”
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