CATALYST 4 CHANGE provides relevant signposting and capacity building pathways for user-led and influenced, voluntary and community mental health and wellbeing organisations, and actively encourages leaders with a
lived experience.
This also includes networking opportunities with other members and with external professional services that offer member discounts (where applicable).
Our capacity building work is nestled within the Services & Development Programme, and we act as influencers between CATALYST 4 CHANGE, its registered members, Black communities, voluntary and statutory sector organisations; to drive the development or enhancement of community / leader-led and culturally appropriate mental health and wellbeing community services.
Many small, developing and even well-established community organisations rarely have access to truly affordable and individually tailored capacity building support or training.
With the added value of the vast expertise of member organisations also available to our affiliates, we foresee opportunities for greater collaboration in service development and delivery as a direct consequence of the network and indeed, is something that we strongly encourage and facilitate as part of our core operations.
Affiliated members get access to pre-determined levels of the above and other CATALYST 4 CHANGE services.
The level of service will be dependent upon the selected affiliate option. We have a range of options suited to organisations, community groups and individuals. Incubated services receive fully inclusive support where this is possible, but by-and-large this may be light-touch or signposting to opportunities or resources.
(Registered Office)
Unit 609F, JQ Modern
120 Vyse Street, Hockley
Birmingham B18 6NF
T: 0844 884 3318 (Voicemail)
M: 07874 955 058 (Intermittent)
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