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Keeping the Focus

We undertake both our own, as well as joint research and evaluation projects in order to support and inform our member organisations working in the community.

We also act as a representative voice and intermediary with public as well as statutory bodies in relation to policy development, consultation and service improvements for and on behalf of our members. 


We work with a range of partners to secure both affordable costs and highly professional practitioners to achieve the above aim, and actively encourage collaboration amongst our affiliate members.

We will also source and provide access to third party research materials to aid affiliate and member organisations to keep the quality and governance of their services in-tune with all the latest good practice guidelines, legal frameworks, workplace health and quality standards.

We will also undertake our own general research projects to support and inform affiliate organisations working within the community mental health and wellbeing spectrum.

Affiliate Benefits

Affiliated members get access to pre-determined levels of the above and other CATALYST 4 CHANGE services. 

The level of service will be dependent upon the selected affiliate option. We have a range of options suited to organisations, community groups and individuals. Incubated services receive fully inclusive support where this is possible, but by-and-large this may be light-touch or signposting to opportunities or resources.

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